Program Update
Succession Ready
Rounding out the arc of ICIC’s programming is Succession Ready—a free series of five three-hour educational workshops to help small business owners develop and navigate a successful succession plan for their businesses. This new program was launched in August of 2022 in collaboration with the Community College of Rhode Island, New Majority Capital Foundation, Babson College, and Rhode Island Commerce. The Succession Ready program hosted an inaugural class of 19 businesses.
Whether business owners are planning to hand over the reins to their next of kin, to an employee, or to sell it, the Succession Ready program informs and empowers leaders to develop the right strategic succession plan for them.
ICIC is interested in expanding Succession Ready into other cities this 2024. Don’t hesitate to email us at if you’d like to discuss the possibility of working together to bring this program to your city.

Alumni Spotlight

“Succession Ready is a fabulous course for the established business owner that isn’t sure where to take the business: are you going to sell it? Are you going to hand it down to your employees? There is so much information out there that every business owner needs to know about the end game. At some point, you’re going to have to make that decision. This has really helped me plan for that.”
Jon Ramos, Owner
The Cookie Countess
Warwick, RI
Succession Ready Inaugural Cohort (2022)

“I highly recommend Succession Ready to any small business owner. As a small business owner, you put so much time and effort, financial and personal resources into your business that you want to walk away with the best value that you can from it. Whether it’s 5 years from now, 7, 10 years from now…or however [long it is before] you choose to sell your business or pass it along, it was a great, eye-opening experience.”
JoEllen Hockenbrough, Owner
Providence Power Yoga
Riverside, RI
Succession Ready Inaugural Cohort (2022)
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